
《Friends Forever》永远的朋友
《Friends Forever》正文
Witzy wanted to make a wish. 小鸭想要许一个愿望。文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/9747.html
"If only I had a wishing puff," he sighed, looking around the garden. “要是我有一株许愿蒲公英就好了。”他叹了口气,看了看花园的四周。文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/9747.html
But it was no use. The wind had blown all the wishing puffs away. 但是没有用,风把所有的许愿蒲公英都吹走了。文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/9747.html
"I guess I won't get my wish today," Witzy said sadly. “我猜我今天是不能许愿了。”小鸭悲伤地说道。文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/9747.html
"Don't worry, Witzy," said his good friend Boof, “不要担心,小鸭,”他的好朋友Boof说道,文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/9747.html
"We'll find a wishing puff for you." “我们会为你找到许愿蒲公英的。文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/9747.html
” So Lulla looked way down low, while Patches looked way up high. 于是Lulla在下面找,而Patches在高处找。文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/9747.html
Suddenly, Boof began to sneeze. 忽然,Boof打了一个喷嚏。文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/9747.html
"Achoo...achoo...ACHOO!" “阿嚏…阿嚏…阿嚏!”文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/9747.html
The little bear popped right up with each new sneeze. 小熊每打一个喷嚏就会向上跳一下。文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/9747.html
"Oh, deary-dear-dear," clucked Lulla, shaking her head. “哦,天哪,亲爱的,可怜的小熊 ,
”Lullad啧啧说道,一边说一边摇头, "This will never do." “这样下去可不行。”
"I think I see what's making Boof sneeze," “我想我知道是什么让Boof打喷嚏了。”
said Patches, pointing to a trail of fluff in the air. Patche说道,指着空气中飘着的一缕绒毛。
The friends followed the fluffy trail to a polka-dotted field of flowers. 小伙伴们追随着那一缕缕绒毛,来到了一片点缀着星罗棋布的花朵的田野。
And there, sitting in the middle of the cornflowers, was a wishing puff for Witzy! 在那儿,一片矢车菊的中间,正是小鸭要找的许愿蒲公英。
Boof proudly plucked the wishing puff out of the ground and handed it to his friends. Boof自豪地摘下许愿蒲公英,交给了他的朋友。
Witzy closed his eyes and blew. 小鸭闭上眼睛,吹了一下。
"I wish we could be friends forever," he whispered happily. “我许愿我们可以永远是朋友。”他幸福地小声说道。
Witzy opened his eyes and smiled. 小鸭睁开眼睛微笑着。
"Thanks, everybody," he said. "I couldn't have found my wishing puff without you." “谢谢大家,”他说道,“没有你们的话,我不可能找到我的许愿蒲公英的。”
"That's what friends are for!" smiled Boof, giving Witzy a warm, cuddly hug. “这是朋友应该做的!”Boof也微笑着,给了小鸭一个温暖的深深的拥抱。