《I Don't Want To Go To Hospital》 我不想去医院

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《I Don't Want To Go To Hospital》 我不想去医院


《I Don't Want To Go To Hospital》正文

“Ooo, Oww, Ooo,” cried the Little Princess.文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/9763.html

“My nose hurts!” “喔,哎,喔,”小公主大声哭喊着,“我鼻子疼。”文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/9763.html

“You’ve got a little lump up there,” said the Doctor. “你那里上面肿了一小块。”医生说道。文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/9763.html

“I’ll get it out,” said the General, drawing his sword.“我来把它弄出来吧。”将军拔剑说道。文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/9763.html

“No,” said the Doctor, “it won’t come out. Her Majesty must go to hospital.”“不,”医生说道,“它是不会出来的,公主殿下必须要去医院。”文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/9763.html

“No!” cried the Princess. “I don’t want to go to hospital!” “不!”小公主大喊道。“我不想去医院!”文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/9763.html

“It’s nice in hospital,” said the Doctor. “You’ll get sweets and cards.”文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/9763.html

“I don’t want to go,” said the Princess. “医院里面很好的,”医生说道,“你会得到糖果和卡片的。”“我不想去。”小公主说道。文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/9763.html

“It’s nice in hospital,” said the Queen, who had been there.文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/9763.html

“I don’t want to go,” said the Princess. “医院里面很好的。”曾经在那里待过的女王说道。   “我不想去。”小公主说道。文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/9763.html

“You’ll meet lots of new friends in hospital,”said the Prime Minister. “你会在医院里面遇见很多新朋友的。”首相大人说道。

“No! I don’t want to go to hospital,” said the Princess, and she ran out of the room. “不! 我不想去医院!”小公主说完,便跑出了房间。

“Where is the Princess?” cried the Queen.

“It’s time to go.”“小公主在哪呢?”女王陛下呼喊道。“是时候出发了。”

“She’s not in her room,” said the Maid. “她不在自己的房间里。”侍女说道。

“She’s not in the dustbin,” said the Cook. “她不在垃圾桶里。”厨师说道。

“She’s not in the dustbin,” said the Cook.“她也不在我的那些船里。”海军上将说道。

“She’s not on the roof,” said the Gardener. “她也不在房顶上。”园丁说道。

“She’s in the attic!” said the King. “她在阁楼里!”国王说道。

“I don’t want to go to hospital,” said the Princess.

But the Little Princess had to go.“我不想去医院。”小公主说。但是小公主不得不去。

And the lump came out of her nose.她鼻子里的肿块没了。

“Now you are better,” said the Queen, “you can brush your teeth, and comb you hair . . .“现在你好多了,”女王说道,“你可以刷牙,梳头发了…

. . . and tidy your room, and . . . ”

“No!” cried the Princess . . .…还有整理你的房间,还有…”   “不!”小公主大喊道…

“. . . I want my tonsils out!”“我想切除我的扁桃体!”

“But why?” said the Queen.

“I want to go back to hospital,” said the Little Princess.“可是为什么呢?”女王说道。“我想回到医院去。”小公主说道。

“They treated me like a Princess in there.”“在那儿,他们待我像公主一样。”

  • 本文由 三年一班 发表于 2017年9月28日
  • 分享好心情:https://www.3n1b.com/9763.html