《Alice in wonderland》 爱丽丝漫游仙境记

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《Alice in wonderland》 爱丽丝漫游仙境记

《Alice in wonderland》 爱丽丝漫游仙境记


这是一个天气晴朗的春日,太阳暖暖的照在绿绿的草坪上,河水欢快地唱着歌流向远方。一个名叫爱丽丝的女孩儿坐在公园里的一棵大树上,用采来的野花编织花环,而她的姐姐在树下看书......文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/9735.html

 文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/9735.html

Alice and her sister were reading a book. Alice和她的姐姐正在看书。文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/9735.html

Alice saw a white rabbit. Alice看见了一只小白兔。文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/9735.html

“I’m late,”said the rabbit. “我迟到了。”小白兔说到。文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/9735.html

The rabbit ran away. 小兔子说完就跑掉了。文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/9735.html

Alice ran after him. Alice在后面追赶。文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/9735.html

Alice went down a dark hole. Alice走进了一个黑黑的洞里面。文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/9735.html

Alice fell down and down. Alice掉了下去。文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/9735.html

She saw a little door. 她看见了一个小门。文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/9735.html

“You are too big,”said the door.“ 你太大了。”门说道。

Alice saw a bottle. Alice看见了一个瓶子。

She took a drink and got smaller and smaller. 她喝了一口,然后变得越来越小。

Alice saw two men. Alice看见了两个男人。

“Have you seen the white rabbit?”asked Alice. “你们看见小白兔了么?”Alice问道。

The men did not answer. 那两个人没有回答。

Alice saw a little house.She went in. Alice看见了一座小房子。她走了进去。

Alice found some biscuits. Alice发现了一些饼干。

She took a bite. 她吃了一口。

She got bigger and bigger. 于是她变得越来越大。

Alice found a carrot. Alice发现了一个胡萝卜。

She took a bite. 她吃了一口。

She got smaller and smaller. 她变得越来越小。

She met a caterpillar. 她遇见了一只毛毛虫。

The caterpillar turned into a butterfly and flew away. 毛毛虫变成了蝴蝶然后飞走了。

Alice picked some mushrooms. Alice采了一些蘑菇。

She put them in her pocket. 放在了自己的口袋里。

Then alice met a cat. 然后,Alice遇见了一只猫。

He showed Alice where to find the white rabbit. 他告诉Alice去哪能找到小白兔。

The March Hare and Mad Hatter were having tea. 三月狡兔和疯帽匠正在喝茶。

There were lots of teapots on the table. 桌子上有很多茶壶。

In one of the teapots there was a little mouse. 其中一个茶壶里有一只小老鼠。

The white rabbit ran away again. 小白兔又跑掉了。

Alice followed the rabbit. Alice跟随着小兔子。

She met some playing cards. 她遇见了正在玩耍的扑克牌们。

The cards belonged to the Queen of Hearts. 这些扑克牌是属于红心王后的。

Alice and the Queen played a game. Alice和王后玩了一个游戏。

The Queen lost the game. 王后输掉了游戏。

She was very angry. 王后非常生气。

The Queen said that Alice must die. 王后说,Alice必须死。

But Alice said,”No.” 但是Alice说:“不!”

The cat sat on top of the Queen. 小猫坐在了王后的头顶上。

Alice laughed. Alice笑了。

The Queen laughed too. 王后也笑了。

Alice took the mushrooms out of her pocket. Alice从她的口袋里拿出蘑菇。

She took a bite and got bigger and bigger. 她吃了一口,然后变得越来越大。

Then she got smaller and smaller. 然后她又开始变得越来越小。

Alice ran away. Alice逃跑了。

The King and Queen and all the cards ran after Alice. 国王,王后,还有所有的纸牌们一起追着Alice跑。

Then Alice woke up.It was all a dream. 然后Alice醒了。一切都是一个梦。

  • 本文由 三年一班 发表于 2017年9月22日
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