
《Kate's Game》大象凯特的游戏
Janie Bynum文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/16658.html
《Kate's Game》大象凯特的游戏全文
Kate liked to make up games.文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/16658.html
大象Kate喜欢编排各样的游戏。文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/16658.html
Today, she had her red ball.文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/16658.html
今天,她拿出了一个红色的球。文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/16658.html
She tossed it up,it landed on the tip of her trunk.文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/16658.html
她把球抛了起来,球落在了她的鼻尖上。文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/16658.html
Tom came to see Kate.文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/16658.html
猫咪Tom来看Kate啦。文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/16658.html
"Hello,,Kate," he said,"You make up the best games. Can I play,too?"文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/16658.html
Kate tossed the ball to Tom. PLOP!
"Oh,no!" said Kate,"The ball is in the mud!"
"I could get it," said Tom,"Cats are little and fast.We can run on top of mud."
"You are brave!" said Kate. "
Tom ran to get the ball.
"Oh,no!" said Tom,"The ball is stuck and I am,too."
Jake came to see Kate.
"Hello,Kate," he said,"You make up the best games. Can I play,too?"
"It is not a game," said Kate,"Tom is stuck in the mud."
"I could help," said Jake,"Look at my feet. Ducks can walk on mud."
"You are brave!" said Kate.
Jake went to help Tom.
"Oh,no!" said Jake,"Tom is stuck and I am,too."
Jane came to see Kate.
"Hello,Kate," she said."You make up the best games. Can I play,too?"
"It is not a game," said Kate,"Tom and Jake are stuck in the mud."
"I could help," said Jane,"Pigs like mud. I can wade in it."
"You are brave," said Kate.
Jane went to help Jake and Tom.
"Oh,no!" said Jane,"Jake and Tom are stuck and I am,too!"
"I can help," said Kate,"Jane can grab my trunk. Jake can get Jane's tail.Tom can take Jake's wing. Now let's all pull."
They all came out of the mud.
"That was not a very good game,Kate," said Tom and Jake and Jane.
"No," said Kate."But I have a much better one!"
"Oh,Kate!" said her friends. "You make up the best games!"